Sent: Wed 4/14/10 1:02 PM
Dear Silvia,
Thank you for your email in regard to Bill C-311 and climate change. My commitment to those goals has not changed and I will continue to fight for these issues.
Let me assure you that I do support Bill C-311 and have voted for it at every stage. I commend all opposition parties for their work on this very important issue. My vote to extend this Bill by 30 days did not stifle the Bill, but rather it is meant to improve it overall. This way we can set real targets with a real plan that will lead the rest of the world.
The world is now facing a global environmental threat worse than any we have previously seen. That is why the Liberal Party believes so strongly that we need to take real action to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas pollution, and to show international leadership in getting the world to fight climate change together and that is why I support Bill C-311.
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office on this important matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions, comments or concerns.
Hon. Maria Minna, P.C., M.P.
Beaches-East York
Official Opposition Critic for Labour
From: | |
Sent: Wed 4/14/10 10:06 PM | | |
Dear Silvia Porras :
Thank you for taking the time to e-write to me with your views on Bill C-311.
As you may know I have supported C-311 at earlier stages and certainly voted to send it to Third Reading today. I support the bill but also recognize the significant practical difficulty in now attaining the goal contained the bill within using the methods prescribed in it, given the loss of 52 months through the inaction of the Harper government on climate change reduction.
Today we passed an Official Opposition Liberal motion to solve that essential dilemma - getting the conservative government to begin taking some of the very significant actions that are already available under existing powers and regulatory authority. The wording of the motion is below
I firmly committed to achieving real action on climate change, and support the science-based targets such as those in C-311. At my recent local Community Council on Federal Issues meeting area residents and I discussed the issues related to “Green Energy and Sustainability” including a real and effective climate change plan for Canada. I will be working with all interested constituents to help a drive a national consensus that compels even the present government takes concrete steps.
I would be very glad to keep you informed on C-311 and climate change issues, and you are also welcome to join my local Carbon Challenge initiative, which helps local residents to save money on heating and electricity in their homes while exerting pressure for an effective climate change policy. You are also welcome to receive the bulletins on various topics that I send out to my local non-partisan Community Council on Federal Issues, together with invites to my regular monthly public meetings. Please just let me know by return e-mail.
Yours sincerely,
Gerard Kennedy, MP
Parkdale-High Park
Liberal Motion
That, in the opinion of this House, this government has lacked a commitment to principled environmental policy backed by action which is urgently needed to address the climate change crisis, and it is the further opinion of this House that the government has consistently ignored the legislative and regulatory powers at its disposal that allow the government to take immediate and decisive action to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions in order to achieve meaningful and science-based reduction targets, and therefore the House calls upon the government to: (a) use the legislative, regulatory and fiscal authorities already available to the Government of Canada to put in place immediately a national climate change plan that implements economy-wide regulations on greenhouse gas emissions, and invests in renewable energy, clean technology and energy efficiency in order for Canada to compete in the new green economy; (b) stop putting Canada’s environmental and economic future at risk by insisting that Canada must wait for the United States to act first before showing our own leadership on this most vital issue; (c) set a domestic legally-binding long-term greenhouse gas reduction target of 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050; (d) report to Parliament annually on its policies and proposals to achieve the trajectory toward the 80 percent target and revise as necessary; (e) establish a non-partisan expert group approved by Parliament to set a science-based emissions trajectory to reach that 80 percent reduction target so that Canada does its part to keep global temperature increases to below 2oC; (f) reverse the decision to cut the ecoENERGY program that allowed Canadians to receive a rebate for greening their homes using energy efficient products and services; (g) restore Canada’s tarnished international environmental reputation by implementing Canada’s international commitment made during the Copenhagen negotiations to provide our fair share of new climate change financing for developing countries to support their adaptation and mitigation efforts to deal with the climate change crisis; (h) follow through on Canada’s commitment at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh in 2009 to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies and report on implementation; and (i) convene within 90 days a First Ministers’ Meeting on climate change to build upon the best practices and leadership that have been demonstrated in the provinces, municipalities and the private sector.
Re: Bill C-311/ le projet de loi C-311
Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of Michael Ignatieff, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your recent email regarding Bill C-311, The Climate Change Accountability Act.
Mr. Harper is isolated on the environment – he’s behind the provinces and our peer countries when it comes to taking leadership on climate change and the environment, and has undermined international progress at every turn.
The Liberals are taking the Harper Conservatives to task over their failure to commit to a principled environmental policy backed up by real action. We’re calling on the government to immediately put in place a national climate change plan with economy-wide regulations on emissions and strategic investments in renewable and clean energy.
Michael Ignatieff and the Liberal Party are also supporting Bill C-311 as part of our staunch opposition to Mr. Harper’s laissez-faire approach to the environment and climate change. We support its central principle – that Canada needs to take immediate, ambitious action to get us back on track to reducing emissions and improving our renewable energy sources.
We must be clear, however: Bill C-311 is not a climate change plan. It picks targets, but it does not lay out a plan on how Canada can reach those targets. That’s where it comes up short. The Liberal Party has put forward a credible, achievable climate and clean energy strategy that will create jobs and make our economy – and our country – one of the cleanest and most competitive in the world. Canada cannot afford to miss this opportunity.
Thank you for taking the time to write the office of Michael Ignatieff on this important issue.
The Office of Michael Ignatieff, M.P.
Leader of the Official Opposition
Thank You for Your Email
Hello, Thank you for emailing the Office of Frank Valeriote, your Member of Parliament for Guelph. Please be assured that your message will be brought to Frank's attention. While every effort is made to provide a timely response to your email, we receive a tremendous number of emails over the course of each day.
We kindly ask if you have not provided us with your home mailing address and telephone number, that you please do. If you wish, we encourage you to contact the office directly in Guelph at 519-837-8276 or in Ottawa at 613-996-4758 if you require immediate assistance.
Warmest Regards,
Office of Frank Valeriote, M.P.Guelph
Thanks to your efforts, Bill C311, the Climate Change Accountability Act, passed another hurdle in Canada’s Parliament yesterday, with the support of the NDP, Liberals, and Bloc Québécois. The Act will face another vote in the House of Commons in mid-May and the three opposition parties have all said they will vote for it. Among other things, the Act will set a national greenhouse gas target for Canada based on the science; require the government to publish a plan and implement regulations to meet that target; and mandate transparency and accountability measures to make sure that the government is on track to cut greenhouse gas pollution.
Not only that, but the Liberal Party also decided to introduce its own strong motion, calling on the government to implement a number of measures to step up its efforts in the fight against climate change. This motion calls on the government of Canada to implement a domestic legally binding long-term emissions-reduction target; implement a national climate change plan with economy-wide regulations; put strategic investments into renewable and clean technology; reverse its decision to cancel the ecoENERGY program that supported Canadians in making their homes more energy efficient; and convene a First Ministers’ Meeting within 90 days of the motion’s passage to start moving Canada forward on a plan. This motion also passed with support from the three opposition parties.
Your messages to politicians led to these significant victories and have brought about positive change for all Canadians. Thanks again.
The David Suzuki Foundation Team
Dear Silvia,
Thank you for having taken the time to write our office concerning Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act. I have received the e-mail you sent Mr. Rae and it is my pleasure to respond to it.
In the House of Commons, both Mr. Rae and the Liberal Party supported Bill C-311, which is now making its way through the Senate chamber. The bill has successfully passed through first reading and has been debated twice within the chamber. As both the House of Commons and the Senate have been adjourned for the summer months, Bill C-311 will come to the Senate for second reading once Senators return to Parliament Hill in the fall. You can follow the progress of the bill here:
The Conservatives, on the other hand, have consistently voted against Bill C-311 and have failed to commit to a principled environmental policy backed up by real action. As a result, Mr. Rae and the Liberal Party are calling on the government to immediately put in place a national climate change plan with economy-wide regulations on emissions and strategic investments in renewable and clean energy.
Bill C-311, however, is not a climate change plan – it establishes targets but does not provide a plan on how Canada can reach those targets. It is for this reason that the Liberal Party has created and put forward a credible, achievable climate and clean energy strategy that will create jobs and make our economy – and our country – one of the cleanest and the most competitive in the world. You can read about our policy here:
Both Mr. Rae and the Liberal Party support the central principle of Bill C-311 – that Canada needs to take immediate, ambitious action to get us back on track to reducing emissions and improving our renewable energy sources. We must, however, go further – we hope you will take a moment to read our plan on how we will transform Canada into a country with international credibility when it comes to its commitment to our economic and environmental future.
Thank you once again for having written us on this incredibly pressing issue – please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any additional comments, questions, or concerns.
Sincerely,Susan Humphrey
Parliamentary Assistant
Office of the Hon. Bob Rae, MP for Toronto Centre
(613) 992-5234
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