Thursday, January 03, 2008

Cierto dia de verano...

C13R70 D14 D3 V3R4N0 3574B4 3N L4 PL4Y4 0853RV4ND0 A D05 CH1C45 C0N57RUY3ND0 UN C4571LL0 D3 4R3N4 C0N 70RR35 Y PU3N735.

CU4ND0 357484N 4C484ND0 V1N0 UN4 0L4 R3DUC13ND0 3L C4571LL0 4 UN M0N70N D3 4R3N4 Y
35PUM4... P3N53 9U3 D35PU35 DE 74N70 35FU3RZ0 L45 CH1C45 C0M3NZ4R14N 4 L10R4R, P3R0 3N V3Z D3 350, C0RR13R0N P0R L4 P14Y4 R13ND0 Y C0M3NZ4R0N 4 C0N57RU1R 07R0 C4571LL0.

C0MPR3ND1 9U3 H4814 4PR3ND1D0 UN4 6R4N L3CC10N; 64574M05 MUCH0 713MP0 D3 NU357R4 V1D4 C0N57RUY3ND0,
P3R0 CU4ND0 UN4 0L4 L1364 4 D357RU1R 70D0, S010 P3RM4N3C3:
  • L4 4M1574D,
  • 3L 4M0R
  • 3L C4R1Ñ0


Anonymous said...

Gracias por tu comentario en mi página, te deseo lo mismo a ti y a tus seres queridos, feliz 2008 y exito siempre.

tinkerbellchime said...

Happy New Year's, Silvia. I'm an ESL teacher in southern California, and I don't speak Spanish, but I enjoy your blog. I like it when you write something in both languages because I'm discovering that it's a great way to learn a few words of Spanish. Thanks for following me on Twitter.

Alice in Einstein's Garden.