Saturday, September 01, 2007

Family, beauty. Familia, belleza femenina

Sitting in the waiting area of the restaurant I could see in detail all the people entering and leaving without them noticing me.

Deep in my own thoughts, I don’t notice at first a reality that led me to remember a famous expression: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I had in front of me the evidence. Whole families were sitting on the chairs, where the important thing was to share, and as a result nobody was pretending to be handsome or beautiful.

They were what they were in the peace of knowing that people loved them, with their big stomachs, their wrinkles, their crowsfeet, their white hair.

Love seeped out of them .. I could sense the love from a distance. All their freckles, their acne, their hair loss, their itching, only make the family members more attractive.

Liposuction, lip enhancement, exfoliation, facial implants, teeth whitening, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, brow lift, chin and cheek implants and botox weren’t possibilities to consider in those nuclear families.

It was then that I understood that it isn’t possible to use beauty to buy the love of a family. Family is the result of invisible connections.

Sentada en la sala de espera del restaurante podia mirar detalladamente a todo el que entraba y salia , sin que ellos se percataran de mi presencia.

Ensimismada en mis propios pensamientos no repare al principio en una realidad que me hizo recordar la famosa frase: La belleza esta en los ojos del que la mira.

Si, tenia frente a mi la evidencia, familias enteras se acomodaban en los sillones, donde la prioridad era compartir, y como resultado nadie pretendia ser bonito o bonita.

Eran lo que eran en la paz de saberse queridos, amados con sus panzitas, sus arrugitas, sus patitas de gallo, sus canitas. Se transpiraba amor... podía olerlo a distancia. Todas sus pecas, acne, calvicie, urticaria, hacian a los miembros de la familia encantadores.

La liposuction, realce del labio, exfoliación, implantes faciales, el blanqueo de los dientes, aumento del pecho, elevación del busto, frente y la barbilla y botox no era una alternativa a considerar en el nucleo familiar.

Fue entonces que comprendi que no se puede comprar la belleza para luego comprar el amor de una familia. Familia es el resultado de una conexión invisible.


Anonymous said...

Appearance and beauty are two different things that don't always coexist with each other.

¿Ves? Podemos hablar en inglés también. Ya sabrás en un momento quién "soy".

Alexandryna said...

El suspenso duro hasta el momento que visite tu blog, y de veras me hicistes reir ;-)

Alvar es Alvaro?

Alice in Einstein's Garden.