Monday, July 16, 2007

Port Hope

Port Hope conjuga la naturaleza, las tradiciones e historias tejidas por muchas personas que edificaron el espiritu de esta pequena ciudad cercana a Toronto. El domingo visite esta ciudad para dextosificar las neuronas, lo mismo que mis pulmones… y miren la historia que como buena periodista ciudadana reporto a ustedes este dia. A continuacion los hechos:

Port Hope combines nature, traditions and histories knitted together by many people who built the spirit of this small town close to Toronto. On Sunday I visited this town to detox my neurons as well as my lungs ... and you should look at the story which like a good citizen-journalist I reported to you that day. And now here is what happened:

1- Habia una vez un joven pescando en el rio llamado: Ganaraska River, le vi pescando en la manana, en la tarde y ya casi para caer el sol.

1- There was at one time a young fisherman in the river called the Ganaraska River; I saw him fishing in the morning, in the afternoon, and almost right through to the evening.

2- Tratando infructuosamente de disfrutar este pasatiempo, el joven decidio cambiar su posicion
para conseguir mejores resultados, y ademas llevar uno que otro pescadito a su casa.

2- Trying unsuccessfully to catch some fish, the young man decided that he had to change his position in order to obtain better results, to take one or two fish back to his home.

3-  Me solidarize con su precaria situacion, pero como no podia hacer nada, decidi caminar rio arriba, y zas! que veo a una gaviota muy feliz pescando y engulliendo pescado que se atrevia a nadar por esas aguas. Mirenle el pico, ahi tiene un pescadito a medio tragar.

3- I sympathized with his precarious situation, but because I couldn't do anything to help. I decided to walk along the river bank above him, and - boom - I saw a very happy seagull fishing and swallowing some fish which were brave enough to swim in those waters. Look at his peak - he has a small fish half-swallowed.

La leccion de esta moraleja: uno nunca sabe quien esta mas arriba en el rio, hasta que se queda sin pescados!

The moral of this story is that we never know that someone is above us in the river until we find that there are no fish!

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