According to some research done at the University of Leuven (Belgium) with 176 men between the ages of 18 and 28 as the subjects, most of them when they saw an attractive woman lost their lucidity, became dumb and sluggish, were distracted, paralyzed and frozen, were unable to think clearly, atrophied, and subsequently when they had to make financial decisions they made many errors. Oh Yeah, Baby! These tigers became timid cats who were unable to make the right decisions.
Somewhere some scientists said that the more testosterone those cats have, the more vulnerable they are in front of a beautiful woman. Long live women! Nature is on our side. Ha, ha, ha.
There isn’t the least doubt that evolution has punished these tigers by giving them the inner qualities of cats, which in front of a beautiful woman become impulsive, and unable to do anything; they fall like chickens stricken with bird flu. Okay, talking of chickens and other birds, I find something incongruous: why in the animal kingdom is it the male who is the good-looking one? This puzzles me a little. I think that there should be further research to discover what it is that in the nature of female birds that causes them to be so attracted by good -looking male birds as possible mates.
There are rumours around that say that someone did a similar study with women, and what did they discover? That women didn’t become mute, were not emotional, were not transfixed by the headlights of male beauty, were not surprised or startled, did not lose control when they had to make decisions, and as a result they made correct decisions. Which is to say that the attractive appearance did not affect them at all, not a jot, Ouff! Isn’t it good that we are not affected in that way!
De acuerdo a un estudio realizado en 176 hombres, entre las edades de 18 - 28 años, por la Universidad de Leuven (Belgica) muchos de ellos cuando vieron a una mujer atractiva, perdieron su lucidez, se entontecieron, se entorpecieron, se distrajeron, se paralizaron, se entumececieron, se embotaron, se atrofiaron y subsecuentemente en el momento de realizar decisiones financieras comentieron muchisimos errores. Oh Yeah, Baby! Estos tigres se volvieron mansos gatitos que no podian tomar decisiones acertadas.
Por ahi unos cientificos dijeron, que entre mas testosterona tienen estos gatitos, son mas vulnerables frente a una mujer bella, vivan las mujeres! La naturaleza esta de nuestra parte ji ji ji
No cabe la menor duda que la evolucion se ensaño en estos tigres con vocacion secreta de gatitos, que frente a una mujer hermosa se vuelven impulsivos, y no pueden hacer nada, ahi caen como pollitos con 'avian'. Bueno, hablando de pollitos y pajaritos, encuentro una incongruencia, porque en el reino animal el macho es el atractivo... esto ya se me complico un poco, creo que deberian de realizar otro estudio para encontrar que es lo que incide en el comportamiento de las pajaritas que son irremediablemente atraidas por los pajaritos hermosos como posibles consortes...
Existe otro rumor que dice que se hizo otra investigacion similar con mujeres, y que paso? que las mujeres no se inmutaron, no se emocionaron, no se deslumbraron, no se sorprendieron, no se sobresaltaron, no perdieron su control en el momento de tomar decisiones, y las decisiones que tomaron fueron las correctas, asi que a ellas el atractivo visual no les afecto en nada, nadita, uf!, a buena hora, de la que nos salvamos!
Hey! How come? We deserve a little bit of more explanation! LOL
Bashing men won't take you anywhere.
Don't forget that God created men first and women after; and, the reference to almighty God is of a MALE.
The research done by males, said that men are more vulnerable in certain condicions than women in a similar situation, women can manage very well those conditions. Sorry guys ;-)
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