Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Winter and green

I love to see the tiny white patches that cover the green grass.

I find the combination of green and white so beautiful that I have enjoyed for years going to the garden and drinking in the beauty of these colours, but green is the colour of life, hope, spring… however, winter comes and gives us peace, the quietness of the time, even the cold, that cold that destroys plants, destroys flowers, and destroys the greenness. Like the grass, we learn to flow with the seasons.

Something that really amazes me is how the green grass becomes one with the white, and the cold days of winter don't steal the precious green, it's still there.

When I'm tired of snow I just look for a green patch that I know is somewhere waiting to be discovered and that will give me a glimpse of the future spring: my hopes and dreams.

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Alice in Einstein's Garden.