- Quienes estan en la calles?
- Donde esta el presupuesto para emergencias?
- Quienes no pudieron abandonar la ciudad porque no tenian los medios necesarios para hacerlo?
- Quienes no entendieron la gravedad de la situacion por falta de educacion?
- Por que no se escucho la advertencia de los expertos respecto a los diques?
- Hay miles y miles de refugiados que sobreviven esta situación de desastre de grandes proporciones al estilo 'sálvese quién pueda' para superar la pesadilla. Lo cual nos hace entrever que una larga parte de la poblacion nunca han tenido el apoyo necesario para integrarse exitosamente por la falta de oportunidades para salir adelante en este "idilico" pais. Ahora esta situacion se hace mas evidente porque el apoyo en cuestion no aparece, porque es la norma.
No veo que exista ninguna diferencia entre los paises pobres y New Orleans. El huracan Katrina expuso la pobreza, corrupcion y la mentira del sueño americano, estilo Hollywood, ya nunca mas sera un secreto encubierto …¡Nunca más! como dijo Edgar Allan Poe.
`The American dream’ is a lie that conceals the underlying reality of this country with all the intolerance, abuse, racism and discrimination. As an example, you can see what is happening right now in New Orleans.
- Who are in the streets?
- Where is the budget for emergencies?
- Why did so many people not leave the city because they didn’t have the means necessary to do it?
- Why did so many people not understand the gravity of the situation because of lack of education?
- Why did people in power not listen to the warning of the experts with respect to the levees?
There are thousands and thousands of refugees surviving a disaster situation of great proportions where everyone has been trying to overcome this nightmare in his or her own way. The ways in which many of them have done this show that this section of the population has never had the support necessary to integrate itself successfully into the mainstream because of the lack of opportunities in this "idyllic " country. Right now this is more evident because once again the support has not appeared when it is needed, as is the norm.
I do not see any difference between poor countries and New Orleans. The Katrina hurricane exposed the poverty and corruption, the lie of the American dream and of the image created by Hollywood in their full dimensions, but the secret is no longer concealed. “Nevermore!” as Edgar Allan Poe said.
- Failing to help New Orleans
- http://ngs.woc.noaa.gov/katrina/090E29M_KATRINA.HTM
- http://www.macleans.ca/topstories/world/article.jsp?content=20050901_163920_5136
- The storm after the storm
- KatrinaSurvivor
- Why New Orleans is in Deep Water
- United for justice with peace
- Words have power
- American Friends
- What really happened
- Hey, Shoot that Black Guy Running Off with the Bottled Water
- An open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush
Sin palabras... tan sólo una pregunta ¿de qué sirve tanto gasto militar?
... en una palabra: petroleo
I agree with your thoughts on this post. In fact it has turned out to be a race issue in New Orleans.. I do not say this because I am Black.... "The American " dream has died long ago! I am sure everyone would have acted faster had New Orleans been a "White" populated city.
Simplemente, no les importamos...es mas, les estorbamos.
I completely agree Kathleen, What about whether this Biloxi place was populated by whites? Will it be the same as five and eight days to come and rescue this people crying and begging for quick help?. No sure, but the percentaje is high!
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