Thursday, March 09, 2006

Todo lo que es gratis terminara valiendo el doble. Everything that is free ends up being worth double. Silvia Porras

Siempre esta de moda
lo facil,
lo regalado,
lo que no implica un esfuerzo.

... pero,
en esta vida nada es gratis!

Asi que cuando
te ofrezcan
la oportunidad
de ser rico instantanemante,


Dile un rotundo NO! a todas esas grandes oportunidades de hacer dinero, o de ser famoso, o terminaras pagandole a la vida el doble.

No seas ingenuo, no creas en pajaritos de papel, recuerda que al que quiere celeste que le cueste, porque todo lo que cuesta vale! Es la ley de la vida.

These things are always in fashion:
easy things,
free gifts,
things acquired without effort.

But in this life nothing is free!

So when somebody offers you the chance to get rich or famous…

Forget it!

Say a strong NO to all these opportunities to become rich or famous, or you are going to end up paying to life twice.

Don't be naive, don't believe in things that are not real, remember that if you want something worthwhile you have to work for it. The law of life!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The truth

Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you are offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone's feelings.

David Sedaris

Monday, March 06, 2006

Love Amor

The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned.
W. Somerset Maugham

It's a very negative thing, it's not a positive thinking but en cerebral utopia's blog, we can make it positive. How? just think when we have the opportunity to help and we know that we never ever are going to meet these people again, and we do something because we care or love! That kind of love applies to people, animals, iniciatives, etc, etc, etc

El amor que mas dura, es el amor que no regresa.
Somerset Maugham

Esta cita es muy negativa, sin embargo nosotros podemos extraer lo positivo de ella. Como? Cuando nosotros nos encontramos con personas que no conocemos y les damos una mano amiga a sabienda de que nunca ellos podran agradecer nuestro gesto de amor a la gran familia humana. Esto -creo- que no se aplica solo a las personas, en ella incluimos animales y proyectos que tiendan a beneficiar al ser humano, asi como su entorno.

Bing 🎶 Suno